Friday, June 19, 2009


We all played the race car game after we got done eating. It was quite fun to watch. Everyone started using the tree as a sling shot to try and pass the other runners. While you were waiting for your turn to race , you get to be a member of the pit crew. After the first lap, you spray the googles -and wash the windshield. After the second lap, you change the flat tire (tie a sock around the runners leg) After the third lap, you fuel the car (give the runner a drink) can I just say we had alot of -SPLASH AND GO.
We even got Emalee and Sharlee to play. Shanda ran the track with Sharlee, and Matthew ran with Emalee.

Everyone had a lot of fun. The kids had so much fun, we traded racers around and they raced three times.

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