Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Happy Halloween

October is my favorite month of the year
I hold witches very dear...
The warts, the hat and pointy boots
All the kiddies with lots of loot
My cauldron full of a deadly brew
Always remember I'm watching you
One night a year to fly on my broom
So get out of the way and give me some room

The Corn Maze

We went down to the Staheli Corn maze to see if we could make it through.
Kamree and Jennifer got a little hungry while we were winding through all of the rows of corn.

The maze was huge. I think we only went through about half of it. Tyler was the general leading the way. We all followed him. (that way if we got lost we could blame him)
After the maze we went over to the petting zoo. The kids thought the best part was washing your hands when you got through. Kolbie wanted to wash his for a good 10 minutes.

He GOT one

Craig finally got his deer. I think he tried every hunting spot close to here. But in the end.....

...he got his deer. He is happy to say "His little brother didn't skunk him after all!!"

Monday, October 19, 2009

The "MIGHTY" Hunters

We went hunting in our "Usual spot" and Matthew got himself a 2 point. He only took one shot, and down it went. When they walked up to the deer you could see little blood bubbles coming out. That was all it took for Matthew to get sick. When we got back to camp, he had to clean the horns with baby wipes to get off any blood ( he has a blood ISSUE )before he could touch them for this picture. He was done hunting by Saturday afternoon, and spent the rest of his weekend on a four wheeler.

Tyler is very PROUD of his first deer. One shot, it dropped, and it's a 4 point. He has been smiling since opening morning. He got the first deer of the weekend, and set the bar high for his brothers. Craig is still hunting (he is after his own trophy of course ) So I will update when he finishes his hunt. It was a great weekend. The weather was even warm.